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Some Frequently Asked Questions
Got a burning question? It may be answered already below!
- Do We Have To Go Paperless
While Sports Tracker has been designed to be paper free, we still fully support schools who wish to use tradtional recording sheets for results. Simply download the marshalling and blank event sheets and you’re ready to go.
- Does Sports Tracker Require Internet?
Yes. The entry of results requires a constant internet connection. A number of users have ran highly successful meets using nothing more than their mobile phones for live result entry or by hotspotting their laptops.
- Do Students Have To Register Themselves?
No. While each student does get a personal login to access their Sports Tracker profile, its up to the meet admin to decide if students can register themselves to specific events. Many school have saved countless hours by by handing over registration to students.
- Am I Locked Into A Contract?
While Sports Tracker is charged on an annual basis, its totally up to you when you renew. After payment you will receive 365 days of access. When expired your data remains secure inside, until you unlock your account with a new payment.
- Do We Need To Setup Meets Each Year?
One of the best features of Sports Tracker is the ability to create a meet then save it as a template. Each time you want to run that meet type, simply load the template and your meet is ready for registration.
- Do You Offer Support?
We sure do. Our Sports Tracker Support team ninjas are here to help, simply click the support button on this page or use the live chat inside of the app